Technologies used in MINE.IO project at “DIVINGtalks” event

Our partner INESC TEC (Paula Lima and Carlos Almeida), recently took part in the Diving Talks Workshop as speaker.

Diving Talks is an international event that attracts the diving community from all over the world. This workshop is a debate on technological advances in terms of both technical solutions and scientific approaches.

This year’s Diving Talks event was held in Portugal (October 6 and 8, at the Museu da Marinha, in Lisbon) and included an exhibition area, a “show and tell” exhibition that hosted a number of global diving exhibitors showcasing their latest services, products and technologies.

MINE.IO  project was one of the presented examples of the application of Robots developed for extreme environments. Both INESC TEC robots used in MINE.IO were in the exhibition area during the whole event.

A short post from the event can be found here:

See also the INESC TEC newsletter, where there is a summary from this event:

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